When Your Cat Has an Ear Infection

Cat Ear Infection


Ear infections are very common in cats and can be a little challenging to get rid of. Mostly because pet parents expect their vet to have a inexpensive and quick resolution for a condition that is usually a symptom of something else going on.

Result of a Another Problem

Most people mistakenly think that an ear infection is the only problem, however it is an underlying symptom of something else such an allergic reaction to food, the environment, dust mites or even mold. It can also be the result of a foreign object stuck in your dog’s ear.

Ear Mites Are Very Unlikely

It’s un common for an adult cat to have ear mites, unless Friskies comes in close contact with a puppy or kitten. It’s very likely your cat may have bacterial or yeast infection in the ear.

Properly Cleaning the Ear

Just like with humans, felines collect a lot of gunk in their ears too. Always have your vet do the ear cleaning first, doing it yourself may make the problem worst. Your vet may need to sedate your pet in order to flush out the ear. Afterward the vet may exam the ear drum to make sure more aggressive treatment isn’t  required. Make sure to ask your vet about side affects. Some medicine can cause deafness.

At Home

Make sure you have a full understanding from your vet on how to use any medication that is prescribed and how to properly clean your cat’s ear in general once you get home. Take down notes, don’t assume that you’ll remember everything that had been discussed. In the event you come across another cleanser that you think will work best for your pet, run it passed your vet first before using.