Bella Ridge Residents
non-residences email
Weekly Services (dog)
- private walks
- waste removal
- feeding
- playtime
- hugs
- package retrieval*
- secure home
- cuddles
- text updates with photos
2days wkly $690 monthly
3days wkly $700 monthly
4days wkly $800 monthly
5days wkly $900 monthly
*Get a 30% discount when you pay annually.
Weekly Services (cat)
- waste removal
- package retrieval*
- feeding
- playtime
- hugs
- cuddles
- text updates with photos
2days wkly $399 monthly
3days wkly $400 monthly
5days wkly $450 monthly
* For private walks, see dog prices.
*Get a 30% discount when you pay annually.
Pet & Home Bundle
- private walks
- cat care if applicable
- waste removal
- Mail/newspaper retrieval*
- Package retrieval
- feeding
- playtime
- hugs
- cuddles
- clean counters
- Swiffer kitchen, foyer, dinning & living room floor
- Text updates w/ photo
2days wkly $1,890 monthly
3days wkly $1,900 monthly
5days wkly $2,000 monthly
*Get a 30% discount when you pay annually.
Private Walks or Potty Breaks(only)
- private walks or potty breaks
- waste removal
- text updates with photos
2days wkly $490monthly
3days wkly $500monthly
4days wkly $545 monthly
5days wkly $550 monthly
*Get a 30% discount when you pay annually.
Traveling Services (cat)
- waste removal
- feeding
- playtime
- hugs
- cuddles
- mail/newspaper retrieval
- package retrieval*
- water plants
- alternate lights/blinds
- text updates with photos
$45- 50 per day
*Traveling 30 or more consecutive days: $40 per day
Traveling Services (dog)
- private walks
- waste removal
- feeding
- playtime
- hugs
- cuddles
- mail/newspaper retrieval
- package retrieval*
- water plants
- alternate lights/blinds
- text updates with photos
$75- 80 per day
*Traveling 30 or more consecutive days: $70 per day
Additional Pet
- Cats- 2nd pet is FREE, $22 per cat per day.
- Dogs- 2nd pet is FREE, $30 per dog per day (4 max per household).
- Second visit- $50 per day
Weight Limit
- Big or small we walk them all, as long as your fur kid can walk properly on leash without pulling. Your furkid will remain on leash/harness entire walk.
Great for the holidays, travel, or special occasions such as weddings. When you are expecting packages and want to make sure your belongings are safe. Alert us when your package has been delivered and we’ll take it in. Consultation is required.
- Place packages inside home
- Secure home
- Water any plants
- *Collect or forward mail
- Text or e-mail update
$50-55 per day
extra visit- $50
large heavy items will not be accommodated. *stamps or other materials must be provided.
Parade Season
Services are not available on Lundi Gras, Mardi Gras day or the day Endymion is rolling.
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