There’s been a lot of buzz about wine for cats lately, is it even healthy for your kitty? Before toasting the evening away with Mr. Friskies here’s what you need to know.
The Company
Apollo Peak company is based in the states, Colorado to be exact. They pride themselves in using natural ingredients and being pet lovers
What’s in it?
Kitty wine doesn’t have any of the same ingredients as the human wine. For starters there isn’t any alcohol or grapes in it since both are highly toxic to pets. The beverage is made up of organic cat nip, water, and beet juice for coloring. Your cat has the option of Pinot Meow and Moscato, kind of like your red and white wines. Different sizes are also available.
Is it safe?
For the most part yes, but you should always check with your vet to make sure your pet isn’t allergic or have other health problems that the cat wine may worsen.
Will kitty like it?
It really depends on your cat, if whiskers isn’t normally interested in cat nip chances are he or she may not like it.