Warning cat parents, The Blue Buffalo Company, based in Wilton, CT is voluntarily recalling their Blue Kitty Yums treat.
Blue Buffalo Treats
Is recalling their chicken flavor recipe due to a dangerous chemical, Propylene glycol that may cause depression, lost of motor control, thirst and urinate more than normal. These treats were sold nationwide through pet specialty stores and e-commerce with the best by dates of April and July 24th.
Bag Info
If your bag have the following information, please discontinue use and contact your vet ASAP.
- 2oz plastic stand up pouch UPC code: 859610007820, with the best if used by April 24th, 2016
- 2oz plastic stand up pouch UPC code: 859610007820 with the best if used by July 24th, 2016
No other treats were affective by the recall. The company is asking consumer that purchased this product to return for a full refund.
Contact The Blue Buffalo
For any questions or comments, the company can reached by the following.
- Phone: 1888-667-1508 M-F 8am-5p EST
- E-mail:bluebuffalo5883@stericycle.com