What is Lyme Disease?
Is one of the most common diseases that are transmitted from ticks. But only a small percentage of dogs that are infected actually exhibit symptoms.
- Difficulty breathing
- Stiffness while walking
- Fever
- Depression
- Lack of appetite
- Sensitive to touch
- Nervous system problems
- Heart issues
- Swelling near bite area
- Kidney problems
- Painful and warm limbs
Once a tick latches on to feed, it releases a bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi). This bacteria is the culprit for Lyme Disease. Infection sets in within 2-3 days.
Ultimately your vet will prescribe Doxycycline, a popular antibiotic or something similar that helps with the disease. Your dog will be treated as an outpatient unless the disease is affecting the health of Fido’s kidneys.